Chapter 2664 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep156
- Realizing she needed to move carefully, two steps forward, then one back, Beth had made every effort to be on her best behavior since leaving their room. The more she'd thought about the sexy window exhibition into which she'd maneuvered Pam, the more she suspected her friend had surely become aware of the extent to which she was on display. And if that was indeed true, she knew Pam would likely be intent on re-establishing the proper demeanor she'd kept returning to, ever since the first encounter with Ron in her backseat on the drive down. Beth also knew from firsthand experience, that the Sensuvive pills Sue had given her were legit. Having already experienced their effect the previous day, she'd been quick to perceive her own reaction to the increased blood flow to her pussy, and the resulting escalation in heat and sensitivity. As she'd watch Pam squirm and fidget, and there was little doubt as to the source of her restlessness.
- Now, as she observed her sexy friend float effortlessly toward the pool's edge, Beth knew the time was right to begin turning up the heat, if only a little. She turned to speak to Ron as he sat, pretending he'd been reading his Stephen King book, rather than leering at Pam, now ascending the ladder closest to the bar. "Having fun today Ron?" Beth asked in a quasi-hushed tone, then glancing to his crotch, continued before he could respond, "Ah, you better watch yourself back there, those baggy legs might open up enough to cost you your modesty if you're not paying attention. You certainly don't want Pam to think you're being inappropriate. Of course accidents do happen, and sometimes we just aren't aware of the image we are presenting, are we?" Beth flashed him the briefest conspiratorial grin, before she turned back to greet Pam as she returned from her brief respite, still dripping wet.
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